Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 2, 2014

Royal Defense 2: Invisible Threat

Download Game | Royal Defense 2: Invisible Threat Mini Game For Pc | Royal Defense 2: Invisible Threat 2013 is a new Tower defense game. Become a district of associate degree exciting story supported the dwarven kingdom’s eternal struggle against the troll hordes, WHO need solely to crush the dwarves and claim their territory! To defeat these monstrous hordes, you need to construct defensive towers and units and learn to wield powerful spells. all of your towers and units have specific stats: harm, Fire rate, harm radius, harm sort, further as numerous alternative options, like enemy lag and harm Over Time. every level additionally brings new units and structures to assist you fight the troll menace. You’ll ne'er be lacking for brand new and exciting ways that of decimating those nasty trolls! Build towers, earn money, collect crystals and upgrade your spells – the enemy shall not pass.

System Requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Intel Pentium 4
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 300 Mb Free HD
  • 64 bit 64 MB Vram
  • Direct X 9.0c
Screenshot :



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