Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 1, 2014

Avira Server Security free Downloads from Software World

Avira Server Security

Avira Server Security
Avira Server Security is a remote-configurable antivirus program, because of its measured structure, which incorporates the Resident Service holding the fundamental motor, and the partnered Control Program. These modules may be introduced independently, so that the administrators utilize the Control Program on their own workstation. The item likewise characteristics overhauls by means of Intranet/internet Update Wizard to effectively redesign system records in the system.

Avira Free Download

Avira Server Security shields your system's focal accepting and conveying focuses against security ruptures. Whether you have to secure a solitary focal record server, or a mixof Windows or Unix servers crosswise over numerous destinations, pick Avira and think as of it done.

Avira Free

Avira Server Security - Powerful, proficient infection assurance for servers. Avira Server Security outputs documents and files progressively, utilizing insignificant transforming force.

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Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 1, 2014

Download Game Marine Sharpshooter 3 Full Rip For PC

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game Rip lagi kepada sahabat haramain software. Game rip yang kali ini haramain software bagikan adalah game Marine Sharpshooter 3.
Marine Sharpshooter 3 ini merupakan game first person shooter yang dimana kita harus menyelesaikan misi yang cukup sulit dan sangat menarik dengan grafik yang bagus juga.
Saya sendiri sampai sekarang ini baru menyelesaikan 2 misi yang dimana di setiap misi memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda dan perlu diketahui bahwa pada game ini kita harus irit peluru agar tidak kehabisan dan menjadi susah menyelesaikan misi.
Game marine sharpshooter 3 yang haramain software bagikan ini kapasitasnya juga hanya 255 Mb karena sudah di Rip, namun setelah diinstall akan terlihat kapasitas aslinya yaitu 978 Mb.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • Windows 2000/XP/7
  • Pentium 4 or AMD 2GHz Processor
  • 256MB RAM 1.5GB Hard Disk Space
  • DirectX compatible Sound Card
  • 128MB ATi Radeon 9600 or nVidia GeForce 4 Ti class Video Card
  • DirectX 9.0c
Link Download :

Download Game Marine Sharpshooter 3 Rip ( Sharebeast 255 Mb )

Download Game Marine Sharpshooter 3 Rip (Link Alternative 255 Mb )

Cara Install :
  1. Download part 1 dan part 2, kemudian taruh dalam 1 folder yang sama
  2. Extract Part 1, maka otomatis part 2 juga akan ikut terextract
  3. Jalankan Marine Sharpshooter 3 (Sniper).exe
  4. Kemudian klik Next dan klik Next lagi dan klik next lagi
  5. Kemudian klik install
  6. Setelah itu tunggu sebentar dan klik finish dan tunggu sampai proses extract menggunakan UHARC selesai
  7. Ketika keluar tulisan Registry Setup Completed Klik ok
  8. Ketika ada perintah Press any key to continue cukup tekan spasi saja
  9. Selesai dan Selamat bermain.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur.
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Baidu Antivirus free Download from Software World

Baidu Antivirus (This antivirus made by China)

Baidu Antivirus
Baidu Antivirus 2013 is associate security computer code by Beijing’s high major net company. This free beta unleash is fully English and provides a superb safeguard for your laptop. You’ll be able to even send feedback to Baidu and facilitate modification options for the ultimate unleash. Even in its beta type Baidu Antivirus 2013 has all the basics to prevent and notice viruses. Free download free antivirus Baidu.


Baidu free Antivirus 2013 includes full scans that may check your entire laptop, fast scans for high level issues, and custom scans to hunt specific issues. You’ll be able to additionally prefer into period protection with further options like filing system protection, proactive defense, net access protection, and protection. Sadly, most of those a lot of sophisticated options solely have short rollovers that in short make a case for what they are doing.

Antivirus download

Baidu free Antivirus 2013 additionally contains a feedback window wherever you'll be able to give suggestions or report errors to Baidu. You’ll be able to simply attach pictures or files to assist clarify your problems. There’s associate choice to embrace your contact info like email, Line, MSN, or maybe Facebook.

Usability Quality

Baidu free Antivirus 2013 has massive icons that create it terribly simple to grasp their perform. Once you 1st open the app you’ll be given with buttons to pick out full, quick, or custom scans. Associate arrow tab on the correct can reveal the $64000 time protection tab. Here you'll be able to slide massive switches to show choices on and off.
You can more customise Baidu Antivirus 2013 in its careful settings menus. Here you'll be able to schedule automatic openings and scannings, opt for what happens to isolated programs, and the way thorough every scan are. There also are buttons to quickly reach Baidu’s web site and community forums.


Baidu Antivirus 2013 appearance cleans with a straightforward white and blue colour scheme. All of its options area unit set out intuitively and that we haven't encountered any bugs or lag. Full scans can doubtless take a protracted quantity of your time; however the scanning method had no noticeable effects on laptop performance. One issue to notice is that the beta of Baidu Antivirus 2013 has no audio or pop-ups to allow you to acknowledged once employment is completed.

Baidu Antivirus 2013 is associate economical tool for safeguarding your laptop. The beta works nice while not noticeable hitches. If you are doing expertise any issues Baidu is happy to listen to feedback of however Baidu Antivirus 2013 may be more improved.

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Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 1, 2014

Download Google Chrome 32.0.1700.102 Stable Final Oflline Installer

Haramain Software - Google Chrome merupakan salah satu browser yang paling banyak digunakan didunia karena memang lebih stabil dan ringan juga.
Namun semua orang pasti punya andalan masing-masing masalah browser yang digunakan seperti saya sebagai admin haramain software lebih suka menggunakan google chrome dan mozilla firefox sebagai browser andalan.
Google chrome sendiri pada versi terbarunya ini yaitu google chrome 32.0.1700.102final lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan firefox karena saat ini entah kenapa firefox sering mengalami eror dan crash sehingga sangat mengganggu kenyamanan kita saat berselancar didunia maya.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.
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Bangla writing software portable edition free Downloads From Software World

Versatile Avro Keyboard and Spell Checker!

Bangla writing software portable edition

Utilize your most loved Bangla programming on the go!

           No Installation Needed

           No Bangla Fonts Needed

Has implicit Automatic Virtual Font Installer

           No Administrator Privilege Needed

           All your settings/personalizations remain in place

           has all different characteristics of Standard Edition

Spell check never botch things:

As Avro Keyboard backings Input Language/input Locale changing for Bangla (India), Bangla (Bangladesh) and Assamese, the editors (Like MS Word) you use to sort Bangla can catch which is Bangla content and which is definitely not. Right away MS Word never attempt to check spell of your Bangla content utilizing the default English word reference!

Auto amendment in MS Word:

You can securely turn on the auto amendment offer in MS Word when writing Bangla with Avro console. Your writings will never be changed to any outsider characters. Notwithstanding MS Word realizes that you are writing.

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Download Daemon Tools Pro Advanced Full Version With Crack

Haramain Software - Daemon tools pro sudah pasti bukan software yang asing lagi buat sahabat haramain software karena daemon tools ini memiliki banyak fitur yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh sahabat haramain software.
Daemon tools pro advanced ini merupakan software untuk keperluan CD/DVD image yang dimana dengan menggunakan daemon tools ini, kita bisa membuat virtual drive, mengedit image CD/DVD, Burn image disk yang berformat ISO, NRG dan lain-lain.
Daemon tools ini juga banyak digunakan untuk meninstall game berbentuk ISO dan lainnya yang dimana memanfaatkan virtual drive sebagai tempat memunculkan file yang harus di install pada sebuah game yang berbentuk image.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Nb : Cara Install sudah ada didalam file yang didownload.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat haramain software.
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Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 1, 2014

Coaching Institute Management Software free Downloads from Software World

Coaching Institute Management Software
Coaching Institute Management Software
The product aides oversee person, instructor, courses, groups, charges, participation, and imprints. Give simple reports like remarkable charges, marks, participation and so forth. This is an absolute necessity have programming for all guiding foundations. For a long while we have been asked by a few foundations to create programming that concentrates on instructing foundation requirements.

Project Management

Cims is produced in the wake of gathering necessities from a few organizations in distinctive fields. The item is not difficult to utilize and acknowledges that most drivers are not innovation sharp individuals or ordinary nerds. The product certifications sparing of cash and time for managers separated from sorting out the establishment data. You can streamline the honing foundation business. In excess of 35 reports accessible.

Complete Institute Management

Simple to utilize, simple establishment, free preparing, 30 Days cash back assurance. Customization conceivable. Free Support. Redesign accessible-
In excess of 35 reports
Conceivable to use in LAN
Instructive Institute
Schools & Colleges

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Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 1, 2014

Avast! Free Antivirus 8.0.1497 free Downloads from Software World

Avast! Free Antivirus  8.0.1497 (avast! overhauled for Windows 8)

Avast! Free Antivirus  at last makes a big appearance a form that is enhanced for Windows 8. While the provision doesn't work as a Modern UI application, it takes outline prompts from the working framework. There are a lot of overhauls that make Avast! Free Antivirus  one of the best free antivirus suites.


Avast! Free Antivirus  is stacked with huge amounts of characteristics. From the home tab you can pick up brisk access to your framework status, infection filter, programming updater, details, and the business. Characteristics like the firewall and Safezone oblige a premium membership.

Best Free Antivirus

The product updater that is incorporated with Avast! Free Antivirus  cautions clients about old fashioned provisions that are introduced however just offers a connection to the system page to download the most recent overhaul. Paying for a premium membership will permit you to overhaul your applications inside the requisition. There's even a choice to redesign naturally in the paid renditions of Avast!

Avast Antivirus Free Download

Avast! Free Antivirus  offers more than simply infection security. The requisition additionally incorporates "cloud administrations," which accumulates data from other Avast! clients to look at the notoriety of comparative records. These overhauls are always streamed to and from Avast! so clients don't need to stress over downloading upgrades.

New to Avast! Free Antivirus is the Market where you can buy extra characteristics and administrations. The application itself is great at reminding clients what number of characteristics is missing so the Market makes it much all the more enticing to overhaul. Buys might be made straightforwardly inside the requisition.

Ease of use

Utilizing Avast! Free Antivirus is exceptionally direct. Characteristics and areas of the provision are obviously checked with short illustrations about what each one characteristic does.

Like with numerous different antivirus requisitions, the measure of choices and characteristics is a touch of overpowering. There are symbols in the Security tab that are plainly stamped with a green status light showing everything is acting as it ought to. This makes it simple to see what parts of the provision oblige client activity.

Generally, Avast! Free Antivirus is a requisition that you can design and disregard. The project will show a popup if anything needs your movement.


Avast! Free Antivirus  is generally composed with huge amounts of characteristics. While its not as basic as it could be, it works well and is totally free. It's decent that Avast! Free Antivirus  doesn't incorporate an irritating device bar, however it does introduce a web broadening to screen noxious connections while you're searching.

Avast! Download

While Avast! Free Antivirusexceeds expectations as an antivirus provision; it doesn't do much in the method for being an one-stop-search for all your machine upkeep needs. Different applications like I Obit's Advanced System mind with Antivirus offer more characteristics that will verify your PC is running its speediest.

Sweeps were performed rapidly not the best we've seen. This truly relies on upon your equipment and what number of documents you have on your PC.


At the end of the day, its not difficult to see what Avast! Free Antivirus stays at the highest point of our download diagrams. The measure of characteristics that free clients have admittance to is astonishing. While its irritating that the application pesters you to move up to a paid membership, its a little cost to pay for an overall composed antivirus result that is totally free. Right away if Avast!could incorporate some machine maintence characteristics.

What's new

           Software Health module

           Browser Cleanup apparatus

           New User Interface

           Compatible with Windows 8

           advanced Privacy Tools (avast! Head just)

           access anywhere (avast! Head just)

           improved Auto sandbox/sandbox innovation

           improved General AV execution and solidness


           Windows 8 motivated interface
           Tons of characteristics
           avast! Cloud administrations
           Upgrades could be acquired inside the application


           Plenty of helps to remember missing characteristics
           No PC support characteristics
If you don't mind like our Facebook fan-pa

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Download ASCII Art Generator 2.0.0

Haramain Software  -  ASCII Art Generator 2.0.0 sebuah aplikasi memudahkan sobat mengubah file gambar biasa menjadi sebuah text tulisan yang tersusun seperti gambar tadi. Hasilnya bisa menjadi sebuah file .txt atau gambar.

Screenshot :

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Semoga bermanfaat.
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Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 1, 2014

Avast! Mobile Security free Downloads from Software World

Avast! Mobile Security

Avast! Mobile SecurityRemote wireless tracker/locator and mal-ware insurance (with USSD blocker).
Exceptionally proposed by Android powers, AV-Test, Pcadvisor, Techworld, and now in excess of 14 million clients around the world!


Androidauthority: "The best simply showed signs of improvement…  nothing approaches"
Android and Me: "The best hostile to burglary result available"
Androidpolice: "fundamentally anything you might need ought to your gadget get lost or stolen"
Droid-Life: "it doesn't get substantially more broad than this"
Pcadvisor: "your first port of call when searching for a security item"

Principle FEATURES

• Antivirus: Scans introduced applications and memory card content on interest and new applications upon first utilization.
• Privacy Report: Scans and showcases access rights and purposes of introduced applications.
• Anti-Theft (concealed part): Gives you remote control by means of SMS or Web (wireless following, actuate siren, memory wipe, etc.).• Network Meter: Measures incoming/outgoing information exchanges.
• Web Shield: Scans each one URL that heaps and cautions you on the off chance that its malware-tainted. Incorporates USSD blocker.
• Widget: Gives you control of the application from your Android desktop.
• Web Interface: Provides remote control of hostile to burglary characteristics (phone lock, GPS following, memory wipe, and so forth.).
• Sitecorrect: Automatically fixes mistyped Urls.
• Shield Control: Advanced settings for application, web, and messages checking.
• UI Design: Great decipherability on Android cells and tablets.
• Sms/call Filtering: Filters out specific contacts that you select.
• App Manager: Lists applications and their sizes (MB), CPU load, memory utilized, and so forth.
• Battery Save: Runs just when performing undertakings.
• Firewall (takes a shot at established telephones just): Serves as guard for system 


• Available Languages: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russia

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Download Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 4.0 Full + Patch

Haramain Software  -  Har Disk Sentinel Sentinel Pro 4.0 Full + Patch adalah sebuah aplikasi hardisk toll berfungsi untuk memberikan status informasi tentang hardisk mulai dari merek model hardisk, aktifitas penggunaan file bahkan mengecek kesehatan hardisk sobat Haramain software.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Untuk cara instruksi installnya sudah ada pada file tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat...
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Download K-Lite Codec Pack 10.2.0 Freeware

Haramain Software - K-Lite Codec merupakan aplikasi tambahan yang digunakan untuk memutar audio dan video namun selain itu juga K-Lite codec ini lebih dimanfaatkan untuk membuat windows media player yang sudah ada di komputer kita bisa membaca semua jenis audio dan video.
K-Lite codec sendiri adalah kumpulan dari DirectShow Filter, VFW/ACM codec, dan alat - alat. Codec dan DirectShow Filter diperlukan untuk encoding dan decoding audio dan format video.
Jika sahabat haramain software sudah tahu dengan K-Lite codec pasti sudah tahu pentingnya codec ini untuk menyempurnakan komputer/laptop yang digunakan.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.
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Download CCleaner Professional dan Business Edition 4.10.4570 Final Full Version with Crack

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan CCleaner Professional dan Business Edition kepada sahabat haramain software dan tentu saja dilengkapi dengan cracknya agar menjadi full version.
CCleaner merupakan software utility yang sangat ringan dan memiliki banyak fungsi yang diantaranya yaitu membersihkan sampah-sampah yang ada di komputer kita dan juga untuk menguninstall program dan masih ada yang lainnya yang tentu saja sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga komputer yang kita miliki menjadi tetap stabil.
Crack yang haramain software bagikan tentu saja bisa mengaktifasi secara mudah produk yang sobat inginkan, yaitu professional dan business edition.

Screenshot :

Cara Install :
  1. Install CCleanernya sampai selesai dan tutup saja dan jangan langsung dijalankan
  2. Jalankan cracknya dengan cara klik kanan dan run as administrator
  3. Klik next dan next lagi
  4. Kemudian pilih produk yang ingin digunakan ( Pilih CCleaner Businees Edition atau Professional Edition )
  5. Kemudian klik next dan klik install
  6. Selesai.
Link Download :

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.
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Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 1, 2014

avast! Online Security 8.0.8 free Downloads from Software World

Avast! Online Security 8.0.8

avast! Online Security Avast! Online Security is an extra that you can have in your program with a specific end goal to get more assurance. With this augmentation your program will make a rundown of secure sites that could be gone to without taking a chance with your security of framework security. That schedule could be overseen without anyone else's input on the off chance that you don't concur on the grounds that its security arrangement might be excessively tight or light. In the event that the site page has a terrible notoriety, avast! Online Security will caution you before you get to the website and additionally will demonstrate a rating note in the event that it has non appropriated substance for overall population.

Best Free Antivirus

This product is a handy and free requisition that will straightforwardness your route while upgrades your security against any sort of Internet mal-ware and any dangers. When you discover a suspicious web it will caution you before you get in it. Thusly, your PC will be ensured while you appreciate your most loved sites.

Step by step instructions to utilize

As a client, you can rate your most loved locales and let others know whether they are sheltered in that web. One of the principle attributes is that it tries harder than before to keep clients the extent that this would be possible of phishing pages, which can take data from your records and machine. An alternate great capacity is that on the off chance that you incorrectly spelled a known site it will remedy what you recorded and will redirect to the right one, sparing you some time.

Avast Download

Its incredible clients' base guarantees you that there are surveys, examination and appraisals of a great number of pages in which you can trust or not, so your wellbeing is improved. On the off chance that you have some other Avast! Programming it will incorporate its capacities and will structure a great antivirus group against any mal-ware or dangers your framework might endure.

Avast! Online Security 8.0.8 Features

Underneath you will discover the exceptional characteristics of this Internet mal-ware insurance instrument: 

           warns you against suspicious notoriety sites utilizing its clients' database conclusion 

           Users give their conclusion about sites notoriety in a 160m clients' group 

           Avast! Online Security demonstrates to you the notoriety of most sites before you get into them 

           Low framework necessities required to make it work appropriately 

           When Avast! Antivirus is introduced it empowers additional

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DAEMON Tools 4.47.1 free Downloads from Software World

DAEMON Tools 4.47.1

DAEMON Tools 4.47.1
DAEMON Tools is free Cd/dvd programming that recreates virtual drives and will permit you to deal with your circles in a quick manner. With this download, clients will have the capacity to mount all sort of plate records and copy pictures or any information into Cds, Dvds and Blu-Rays in a quick manner.

This freeware is made for stand out reason and it gives its administration viably. DAEMON Tools copies most memory gadgets in which you can store and alter your pictures on the web. Clients don't need to stress over space, security or velocity, since it will minimize and run out of sight to give them a chance to work without irritating and providing for them the chance to load pictures in simply a couple of clicks.

This adaptation (Lite) is the standard and accompanies free permit, yet in the event that you will utilize it only for its fundamental capacities you won't require a higher picture emulator, this one will be sufficient for you. DAEMON Tools permits you to mount up to 4 virtual drives, so you will barely require an upgrade, however don't want additional characteristics or progressed alternatives like backing for HD DVD or Blu-Ray.

A device with a great deal of functionalities

On account of DAEMON Tools, clients will have the capacity to get to their CD data without expecting to convey them anyplace and keep their gathering from scratches. Other than ensuring your plates from being harmed, this project additionally offers insurance for your circle pictures because of the watchword choice it gives.

As it has been said above, with DAEMON Tools you can mount up to four virtual drives all the while and likewise you can redo your SCSI gadgets as you need changing the DVD area, for instance. In the wake of introducing the product, once DAEMON Tools is propelled on your framework, it will show up a little symbol on the right half of your workstation in which you can run the project at whatever point you need.

DAEMON Tools 4.47.1 Features

Underneath you can see the extraordinary characteristics that this product gives: 

•           it underpins just about every sort of picture and document designs (.mdx, .mds (Media Descriptor File) .mdf, .iso, .b5t, .bwt, (Blindwrite) .b6t, .receptacle, .cdi, .ccd (Clone CD), .prompt, .flac, .nrg and .isz) 

•           compression of pictures and secret word insurance 

•           customization of virtual drives 

•           creation of helper duplicates 

•           emulation of up to 4 SCSI drives 

•           online administration detail to see comparative plate pictures 

On the off chance that you need to know more data before the download, you can visit the designer's authority homepage. 

Framework prerequisites

The base framework prerequisites to download this system are the accompanying: 

•           os: Windows XP or higher 

•           cpu: 500mhz 

•           memory: 256mb of RAM 

•           hard Disk space: 30mb of free space 


DAEMON Tools is the emulator that will help the client to accelerate the long and monotonous procedure of overseeing and blazing pictures straightforwardly on your Windows desktop. Imitate your circle pictures making virtual drives so you can utilize them as though they were blazed formerly, supporting all their.

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Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 1, 2014

Windows 8 free and full (Windows 8) Downloads from Software World

Download Windows 8 free and full (Windows 8)

For at some point; Microsoft Corporation has been a business sector pioneer with regards to preparing programming requisitions. Windows have been one of its splendid innovations that have taken the universe of figuring with a storm. Windows 8 is the most recent working framework that Microsoft has discharged. This working framework consolidates both cutting edge client interfaces ordinarily introduced in tablets with the expected Windows desktop. With such mix, most individuals have picked Windows 8 download in incredible measure.


People have a tendency to be wary about new contrivances subsequently; some may be reluctant to go for this specific most recent stroke of genius from Microsoft. In any case, this ought not be the situation in light of the fact that Windows 8 download much the same as the vast majority of the windows have trial renditions. With the trial form, you can get a chance to test this smooth and also firm working framework. This new working framework guarantees to modernize how you skim and additionally survey records.

Windows 8

The advancements of windows 8 download without a doubt started before Windows 7 was discharge. This most recent Windows came into glare of attention after three successive forms that were prereleased in the year 2011 between September and May. Together with assembling process, a full form discharge initiated in August 2012, its accessibility around diverse stores started in October 2012. The most recent adaptation has experienced huge progressions equipped towards productive usage of Windows 8 download in tablets and other cell phones to provide for it an aggressive edge with ios and android.

Windows Update

Windows 8 is unique in relation to an entire reach of working framework discharged by Microsoft as in, there is a presentation of a touch well disposed client interface. The begin screen shows matrices that are animatedly upgraded speaking to the different provisions that are introduced. These frameworks or squares go about as easy route intended to open a specific system. Every last board can without much of a stretch be altered, to empower you bunch requisitions together. An alternate advancement that Windows 8 has is the new Windows 8 store, utilized for downloading or buying provisions utilized as a part of upgrading the practicality of this new working framework.

Windows Installer

This new Operating framework discharged by Microsoft additionally takes advantage of a few innovations, for example, distributed computing, close field correspondences, and USB 3.0 around others. It additionally has in-constructed antivirus limit. Notwithstanding that, Windows 8 likewise make utilization of the safe boot characteristic. This characteristic digitally signs the working framework and make it secure from malwares whose aim is to change the boot process. Its enhancement makes its establishment a bit novel in examination to other working framework.

New characteristics

Streak: One of the central redesigns in Windows 8 download is blaze. Working in conjunction with each one in turn, Adobe and Microsoft have planned a circumstance particular release of blaze that works adequately with Internet Explorer 10. This makes it feasible for blaze to run whenever you need it to, case in point when you play-back your features. The best part is that, this blaze does not influence the execution of your PC or even battery life unnecessarily. This angle is exceptionally fundamental for the individuals who use Windows RT on the grounds that they esteem their PC execution and battery life.

Surfing the web: A considerable measure of remaining details as to strength that were basic in its see adaptations have been tied up by most recent Windows 8 download. An alternate characteristic that Window 8 clients should need is Flip ahead. This characteristic uses what is known as swarm sourcing to foresee the page that you are certain to open home sometime during your web surfing. Offer characteristic is likewise an alternate expansion found in Windows 8 that permits clients to impart website pages to partners and companions.

Mail emphasize: This specific characteristic has been set to improve a brilliant experience. You can go the extent that sticking a few inboxes on your begin screen to recognize your separate email accounts effortlessly. Additionally, strung change emphasize that gathering messages that are from matching discussion string is likewise accessible.


Because of engineering, you don't fundamentally need to stroll in some disconnected from the net stores to buy a duplicate of Windows 8. This is fundamentally on the grounds that you can get Windows 8 download from various legitimate destinations. The best thing about the greater part of these destinations is that you can additionally get windows 8 free download in manifestation of a trial rendition. In any case, you can at present discover windows 8 free download full form which will ensure you extraordinary encounter very nearly equivalent to that which you can benefit from a business variant of Windows 8 download.

Download the 32-bit (x86) version:
Download Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation for developers

Download the 64-bit (x64) version:
Download Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation for developers
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Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 1, 2014

Download Light Image Resizer + Keygen

Haramain Software  -  Light Image Resizer + Keygen adalah sebuah aplikasi dimana bisa merubah ukuran foto yang dapat di tentukan dengan keinginan sobat. Mendukung berbagai jenis foto mulai dari .jpg .gif .ico .png dan masih banyak lagi.

Screenshoot :

Link Download :

Semoga bermnfaat.
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Download MiniTool Partition Wizard Server 8.1.1 + Keygen

Haramain Software  -  MiniTool Partition Wizard Server 8.1.1 + Keygen adalah sebuah aplikasi Partition Tolls berguna untuk membagi,menghapus,merubah ukuran partisi hardisk sobat, Dengan tampilan yang sederhana sobat bisa memahami saat menggunakan aplikasi ini.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Semoga bermanfaat.
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Download Mojosoft Photo Calendar 2014 Full + Serial

Haramain Software  -  Mojosoft Photo Calendar 2014 Full + Serial sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mendesain atau membuat sebuah kalender juga sobat bisa memasukkan photo teman, keluarga atau orang yang sobat inginkan, dan hasil buat kalender tadi sobat bisa cetak sesuai ukuran yang di inginkan.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Semoga bermanfaat.
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Counter Strike 1.6 Full Free Download

CS 1.6 full.rar | CS 1.6.rar | CS 1.6 full | CS 1.6 | Counter Strike 1.6 full.rar | Counter Strike 1.6.rar | Counter Strike 1.6 full | Counter Strike 1.6


FILE:CS 1.6 full.rar


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Download Smadav Pro 2014 Rev. 9.6.1 Full Serial

Haramain Software - Antivirus Local terkemuka di indonesia yaitu Smadav kini menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.6.1 dan kali ini haramain software akan bagikan smadav 2014 kepada sahabat haramain software yang tentu saja kali ini yang haramain software bagikan adalah smadav pro.
Pada versi terbarunya yaitu smadav pro rev 9.6.1 ini cukup banyak perbaikan yang dilakukan oleh smadav yaitu Tampilan baru dengan model instalasi yang sudah diperbaharui, kemudian juga penambahan database 223 virus baru dan penambahan teknik pendeteksian virus pada USB yang akan membuat komputer kita semakin aman dari gangguan virus dan sangat cocok digandengkan dengan salah satu antivirus international seperti avast, Kaspersky dan yang lainnya.

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Selamat mendownload  dan semoga bermanfaat.
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Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 1, 2014

Download wordpress 3.8.1 free downloads from Software World

Download Wordpress 3.8.1

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ESET NOD32 Antivirus 7.0.302.26 free Downloads from Software World

ESET Nod32 Antivirus 7.0.302.26

ESET NOD32 Antivirus
ESET Nod32 Antivirus is an antivirus program for all who want to have less complex applications, regardless of the possibility that that implies that they have entrance to a restricted extent of devices.

This is the situation of ESET Nod32 Antivirus, a hostile to infection device that you may discover easier than other comparative requisitions; however this effortlessness is unequivocally the way to its prosperity. Truth be told, Nod32 is a standout amongst the most famous hostile to infection applications around workstation clients.

ESET Nod32 Antivirus 4

ESET Nod32 Antivirus is not difficult to introduce and propels without actually restarting the atize (something most hostile to infection devices require after establishment). The system has a basic, direct outline, however you'll soon uncover that this is really the Standard mode presentation and that you can pick the advanced mode on the off chance that you want to have more alternatives and instruments at your fingertips.

ESET Antivirus

ESET Nod32 Antivirusincorporates essential against infection devices, for example, framework dissection, anti-spy-ware channels, channels to bar certain provisions, a booking device for programmed investigation and consistent combination inside Windows Explorer. Being utilized to additional complex against infection results however, I missed having an email and web perusing channel. Likewise, I discovered the Settings menu a bit excessively shrouded and troublesome to utilize. Separated from these little imperfections, ESET Nod32 Antivirus is unquestionably worth an attempt, particularly on the off chance that you need to have a straightforward, bother free hostile to infection that deals with your framework and doesn't trouble every one of you the time.

Download ESET Nod32 Antivirus

ESET Nod32 Antivirus may be less complex than other hostile to infection apparatuses, yet its ideal for clients who favor a simple, subtle application regardless of the fact that that means abandoning certain propelled capacities.

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Download Game Assassin's Creed III Liberation HD Full Crack For PC

Haramain Software - Assassin's Creed merupakan salah satu game yang sangat terkenal dikalangan para pencinta game. Assassin's creed III liberation ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan seseorang dalam revolusi amerika di tahun 1765 yang dimana game yang satu ini memang sangat seru.
Assassin's Creed III Liberation HD ini selain alur ceritanya yang sangat bagus, didukung juga oleh grafik yang super bagus karena seperti judul dari game ini yaitu HD ( High Definition ) sehingga tampilan atau gambar dari game ini begitu bagus sehingga sahabat haramain software tidak akan kecewa untuk memainkannya.
Tapi perlu sahabat haramain software ketahui, kalau game sudah HD, sudah bisa dipastikan bahwa tidak sembarang komputer/laptop yang bisa memainkan game assassin's creed liberation ini, melainkan harus sesuai dengan system requirements yang dibutuhkan untuk memainkan game ini.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • S: Windows XP/7
  • Processor: Intel Core2Duo
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Hard disk space: 5GB
  • VGA: Geforce GTS250
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install game sampai selesai
  3. Download crack dan extract menggunakan winrar
  4. Copy crack dari dalam folder
  5. Kemudian pastekan di tempat sobat menginstall game ini
  6. Selesai.
Selamat bermain dan semoga terhibur.
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Download KMPlayer Terbaru

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan KMPlayer terbaru kepada sahabat haramain software yaitu KMPlayer
Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tahu dengan pemutar video yang bernama KMPlayer ini. Software multimedia yang satu ini termasuk pemutar video kesukaan admin haramain software karena selain hasil gambarnya jernih, juga suaranya yang besar.
KMPlayer untuk saat ini menduduki posisi pertama sebagai pemutar video yang kemudian setelah KMPlayer ini ada Daum PotPlayer yang menduduki posisi ke 2. KMPlayer juga memiliki tampilan yang bagus dan juga suport begitu banyak jenis video, bahkan bisa dibilang suport semua jenis video dan juga suport 3D.

Screenshot :

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Selamat mendownload.
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